The Country Life

I love the quiet of the country
where the only sounds I hear
are sounds of Nature, soft and safe -
sounds that are ever-so dear.

A lonely loon, a cricket or frog -
the contented moo of the cow;
The eerie whistle of a distant train
or the sound of the wind in the bough.

Water laps softly on the shore
while we eat a picnic dish;
The fisherman's lure splashes the water
as he hopes to catch a fish.

In winter, the chickadee calls to me -
he always says "hello";
And the blue jay tries to out-do him
with his never-ending bellow.

Yes, life in the country is the life for me -
the snow stays new and white;
I look out and see the evergreens
and know that all is right.

Joan Adams Burchell
September 24, 2004

