Always Something Good

The storm passed; everything was fresh
as we walked along our way.
The empty field looked a little better;
it was mowed just yesterday.

The sun came out and the heat rose
and I thought of the shade of our tree;
I'd rather have been in my colourful garden
but it wasn't just up to me.

My dog is large - needs exercise -
so we walked on up the rise.
When we got to the top of the long hill
I saw a grand surprise.

There, in the middle of that large barren field
was one single wild flower;
The daisy's white petals framed a yellow face -
but why did it have such power?

It could have been a rose -
the way it beckoned me;
God placed that spot of beauty there
just for me to see.

Joan Adams Burchell


June 14, 2004

Spring and Summer Poems