My Hobby

Tiny seeds put in the ground
will give a huge surprise;
Slow to come but keep weeds out
and you won't believe your eyes!

Tall, lacy, pastel cosmos
and delicate poppies, too;
Marigolds; calendulas;
and something white - and - blue.

What is that in the corner,
but a giant sunflower!
Strong, stately and colourful
and above the others will tower.

There's another patch in my garden
where tomatoes and lettuce grow;
No sandwich could taste the way mine will -
picked fresh from my garden - I know.

Gardening is a joy to me
spring, summer and fall,
But, for the results, I can't take credit;
God gave me His all.

Joan Adams Burchell
June 17, 2004


Spring and Summer Poems

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