Thirty-two horses and thirty-two men
carry the Maple Leaf;
Red coats and stetsons for riders alike;
shining-black horses beneath.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police
have horses surpassing all others;
In perfect precision, the well-groomed steeds
perform for crowds of horse-lovers.

Heads held high - they know they are special
and obey their rider's commands;
Feet lifted high, filing this way and that,
as the crowd is clapping their hands.

Each horse is in step, all figures perfected -
intricate mazes they do;
The Mounties sit high, proud of their mounts -
they know their friends through and through.

"The Musical Ride" is a cavalry drill
performed by our R.C.M.P.
The horses they ride are "Mounties", too,
and belong there like 'he' or 'she'.

Timing, control, and co-ordination -
We are awed by their canter or trot;
This masterful drama has captured our hearts
and the music is really hot.

Canada is proud of her Mounties in red -
their eyes never blink or waver;
But when they sit on 'one of their own'
it is obvious a privilege they savour.

From May through October, they travel our land,
performing "The Musical Ride";
Canada's Maple Leaf leads the way
and the crowds wave their flags with pride.

"Oh, Canada!"

Joan Adams Burchell


(written July 11, 2003)

Spring and Summer Poems
