A Little Fun


Moving In The Garden

Move faster than the honey bee, gathering nectar from your flowers;
Move faster than the earwig making its way up the leg of your trousers.

Move faster than the pesky mosquitoes that think you are tasty fare;
Move faster than the chipmunk that chews the lilies sweet and fair.

Move quickly as you duck beneath the heavy-laden tree
So spiders climbing down their strings may not entangle thee.

Move swiftly with the scissors - cut away the finished blooms
And you will have fresh colour tomorrow - all new blooms.

This is called "deadheading" and it's a gardener's challenging chore
But this is what keeps flowers coming and we all want colour galore.

Move quickly as you cut dead blooms and glorious colour you'll see
Each day, all season, because you braved the time to set buds free.

Joan Adams Burchell
July 10, 2002

Spring and Summer Poems