Amongst The Green

Yesterday's raindrops glistened on the leaves
in this morning's rising sun;
Like silver sequins on the green -
their work - not yet quite done.

I looked at all the shades of green
so clean and fresh and bright;
The Artist created a calming effect
with only one colour in sight.

Thirsty roots had been well quenched
so blossoms would soon come alive;
Already we picture a profusion of colour
amongst the greens that now thrive.

The magic of sequins painted on the leaves
makes imaginations soar;
The Artist can make the whole world bright
so we all will want to see more.

More of God's "Life Force Energy",
seen from every corner and nook;
He put it there for all to use -
we just need to take another look.

All nature trusts God's energy
to heal and keep them whole;
Why not have nature catch our eye
and heal body, mind and soul?

For everything a reason -
not always plain to see;
But to meditate amongst the green
heals the hearts of those who agree.

©Joan Adams Burchell

May 15, 2005
